JJ EC – EHS Mission – Air Purifier Filter Range – Improving Your Air QualityPre-Filter

This is an Aluminum Alloy Filter that protects the other filters, which ensures a prolonged filter life span. Effective against:
- Filtering dust larger than 5 microns, like large dust particles
- Dander
- Pollen
- Floating debris
- Other pollutants
Antibacterial Cotton Filter

This has material mixed in with the filter to inhibit the survival of bacteria and other micro-organisms. It also enables a longer life span for the filter. Effective against:
- Fine Particulate Matter and
- Bacteria
High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter

It has a three-dimensional shape providing a larger and more efficient contact area to trap pollutants. This enables increased purification ability. Effective against:
- Particulate Matter
- Larger particles
- Dust
- Mold
- PM 2.5 (removal rate 99.99%)
Cellular Activated Carbon Filter

Super coconut husk-derived activated carbon filter. Has a well-developed pore structure and strong absorption capacity. Effective against:
- Formaldehyde (removal rate 98%, through absorption & decomposition)
Cold Catalyst Filter

In normal environments, it can play a catalytic effect in controlling air pollution. The main components of the cold catalyst come from additives found in food and pharmaceuticals. It is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and non-flammable. It does not produce any secondary pollution. It is a safe and environmentally friendly cutting-edge product. Effective against:
- Formaldehyde
- Benzene
- Xylene
- Other harmful gasses
UVA Light

UVA sterilization, using 365 nanometer UV wavelength light, can kill a variety of airborne bacteria. This makes the air fresh while avoiding the spread of viruses in the air or on surfaces. The UV disinfection lamp is generally used for air, surface, and water disinfection. It can purify the air, eliminate musty odors, and produce a certain number of anions. Effective against:
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Musty odors
Plasma Ionizer

Ultra-fine particles are difficult to filter out with common mechanical equipment. Anions in the air have a special ability to capture these harmful substances. The smaller the size of the particle, the higher the capture rate. It is an effective way to eliminate these pollutants. A large number of anions are released into the air and attach to the outer shell of oxygen molecules, which creates a negative charge. These then attract positively charged floating dust, smoke, bacteria, and viruses indoors. The process makes free-floating debris fall, thus purifying the air and environment without harm to humans. Effective against:
- Floating dust
- Smoke
- Bacteria
- Viruses

EM-1 air purifier includes a humidifier function with a durable wick filter.